
by Peter Sari, proud partner of:



I started my career at international advertising agencies as an art director.

I am responsible for the visuals of global brands' advertising campaigns. But sport and photography were constantly present in my life. It has become my mission to show more of it to the world.



2023 – Athletics World Championship

4 x100 Meters Relay Final - Fred KERLEY

Marathon Gold Winner - Victor KIPLANGAT

2023 Euro Qualifiers // HUN-SRB 2-1

2023 Euro Qualifiers // HUN-SRB 2-1

2023 Euro Qualifiers // HUN-SRB 2-1

2022 - Win2day Hockey League

2023 - UEFA Champions League, RB Salzburg v Benfica

2022 - Honvéd vs. Ferencváros OTP League game

Storytelling is the most exciting thing about sports photography.

Victory and defeat can appear at the same time in a well-caught moment.


Lead Art Director

2022 - present, VMLY&R

Creative Director

2018 - 2022 Dentsu Hungary

Senior Art Director

2010 - 2018 McCann


Visual Artist & Photo Editor

2002, Eger Art Institute

Peter Sari

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